The 5 Most Cringe-Worthy Privileged Data Breaches of 2020

Cybercrime asiftourab todayJune 24, 2020 318 2 95 4

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With organisations across the globe turned upside down by the COVID-19 pandemic, there has never been a worse time to suffer a data breach or cyber attack.

And the bad news is that unsettled employees, many of whom are being asked to work from home, and depleted workforces mean there is an increased chance of an incident occurring.

Thankfully, we’ve only found 67 incidents this month, with a total of 832,486,418 affected records – which is only slightly higher than last month’s figures.

However, it bears reminding that most breaches take 100 days or more to be discovered, so we could be seeing the effects of the coronavirus for months after our everyday lives get back to normal.

Cyber Attacks

Tesco is issuing new cards to 600,000 Clubcard account holders after unearthing a security issue.

The supermarket giant said it believed a database of stolen usernames and passwords from other platforms had been tried out on its websites, and may have worked in some cases.

No financial data was accessed and its systems have not been hacked, it added.

It said this was a precautionary measure and apologised for the inconvenience.

“We are aware of some fraudulent activity around the redemption of a small proportion of our customers’ Clubcard vouchers,” a Tesco spokesperson said.

“Our internal systems picked this up quickly and we immediately took steps to protect our customers and restrict access to their accounts.”

The supermarket said it had emailed everybody potentially affected, that nobody would lose their points and new vouchers would also be issued.

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Written by: asiftourab

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  1. Dennis Thiel on May 13, 2019

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  2. Prof. Dillon Keeling I on May 13, 2019

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